Who is a Bricoleur?

There are fundamentally two ways of innovating-discrete or bricolage. Discrete thinking can involve ignoring what exists and starting completely afresh. Bricolage thinking (developed by Levi- Strauss in 1967), on the other hand, involves using creativity to recombine existing resources to provide breakthrough solutions.

A practitioner of bricolage thinking is a bricoleur, much like our team members who come equipped with not just creativity and deep industry experience but also life experience, empathy & EQ.

We Believe

Work is an important part of our lives. Many of us spend a third of our lives working. Beyond earning money, many of us derive our identities from work.  So why should work not do more for us as humans, why should it not be fun, engaging and something to look forward to? Why should it not make us feel like we are doing something meaningful, like we are making a positive impact through our work? We believe that work that is socially useful, making things better for someone or somehow, while also earning money, gives us meaning, helping us feel good about it. We call it #WorkLifeThriving

Our Purpose

Shaping a better future through better leaders

Our Team

We are a team of senior business, analytics, research, communications and HR professionals who have lived and worked in multiple geographies. Each of us double hats as a working professional and a talent scout. Our team also comprises senior leaders who have headed major organizations in the past, for talent assessment for senior leadership roles. Headquartered in Singapore we are geographically fluid and service our clients’ needs through technology based solutions. Most importantly we offer true #worklifethriving- many of our team members have needed to work flexibly due to personal reasons related to family or health and they have done so successfully without compromising on either, while working as a ‘Bricoleur’. This is how we do #WorkLifeThriving. You will see it in practice if you choose to work with us.

Our Coaches